A random variables is a function that reflects the result of a random experiment.
- Discrete Random Variable離散型的隨機變數
由probability mass function(pmf)來描述這種隨機變數 - Continuous Random Variable連續型的隨機變數
由cumulative distribution function(CDF,或簡稱distribution function)來描述這種隨機變數,另外CDF對變數的微分則成為probability density function(pdf)。
當我們考慮的是多個隨機變數(multiple random variables),則會用joint probanility mass function(pmf)或是joint cumulative distribution function(CDF)來描述 。
還有Continuous Random Variable在某一點(sample space)的機率值會是零,因為Continuous Random Variable探討的是一段區間當中所發生的機率,而且這個區間包含無窮多個點,因此而發生的機會是零。
隨機程序(Stochastic Processes)
A stochastic process is defined as a family of random variable {Xt:t ∈ T} where each random variable Xt is indexed by parameter t ∈ T, which is usually called the time parameter if T ⊆ R+=[0,∞). The set of all possible values of Xt (for each t ∈ T) is known as the state space S of the stochastic process.
此外,這些隨機變數所構成的集合稱為state space,而這"一連串的隨機變數"之間,其中每個隨機變數又會和其他隨機變數有數學關係,因而會有conditional probability。
依照index的不同(所構成的index set或parameter space),可以分為兩種隨機程序:
- discrete-parameter stochastic process(或是discrete-time)
其index set(或稱為parameter space)是可以計數的( countable sequence) - continuous-parameter stochastic process(或是continuous-time)
其index set(或稱為parameter space)是一個區間(interval)或著區間的代數組合(algebraic combination of intervals)
State Space | Type of Parameter | |
Discrete | Continuous | |
Discrete | Discrete-parameter chain | Continuous-parameter chain |
Continuous | Discrete-parameter stochastic process | Continuous-parameter stochastic process |
注意,如果state space是discrete的話,我們稱這樣的隨機程序為chain(鏈),也就是以後會提到的Markov chain(馬可夫鏈)是其中之一。換句話說,此 state space是由discrete random variable所組成的。